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发表时间:2013-05-29 09:24:57/span>

余艳,女,博士学历,现任中国人民大学信息学院讲师;研究领域:企业知识管理、战略性组织学习、社会媒体影响力。她的博士论文曾受西门子中国研究院资助。她已经在国际知名学术期刊和会议发表学术论文20余篇,包括Decision Support Systems, Behavior & Information Technology, Computers & Education, Journal of Knowledge Management等国际期刊,和ICIS, AOM, HICSS, PACIS, AMCIS, ECIS等信息系统领域顶级国际会议,并曾获得国际信息系统大会ICIS2010最佳论文提名奖。










1、“面向企业2.0的研发团队知识共享与创新多层次模型研究”国家自然科学基金项目,2013-2015年, 项目主持人;


3、Enhancing Hong Kong SMEs’ Competitiveness via Open Information Services, 2009-2012年,香港大学研究资助项目,主要参与人;

4、Exploration, Instantiation and Evaluation of Social Networking for Learning Support,2008-2009年,香港大学研究资助项目,主要参与人。


1、Khalifa, M., Yu, A.Y. and Shen, K.N. (2008) “Knowledge Management Systems Success: A Contingency Perspective,” Journal of Knowledge Management, (12:1), pp.119-132;
2、Hao, J.X., Kwok, C.W.R., Lau, Y.K.R. and Yu A.Y. (2010) “Predicting Problem-solving Performance with Concept Maps: An Information-theoretic Approach,” Decision Support Systems (48:4), pp. 613-621;

3、Shen, K.N., Yu A.Y. and Khalifa, M. (2010) “Knowledge Contribution in Virtual Communities: Accounting for Multiple Dimensions of Social Presence through Social Identity,” Behaviour & Information Technology (29:4), pp. 337-348;

4、Tian S.W., Yu, A.Y., Vogel, D. and Kwok, C.W.R. (2011) “The Impact of Online Social Networking on Learning: A Social Integration Perspective,” International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisation (8:3/4), pp.264-280;

5、Shen, K.N., Khalifa, M. and Yu, A.Y. (2006) “Supporting Social Interaction in Virtual Communities: Role of Social Presence,” Proceedings of the 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico;

6、Hao, J.X. and Kwok, C.W.R. and Yu, A.Y. (2007) “Automatic Semantic Causal Map Integration,” Proceedings of the 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), New Zealand;

7、Shen, K.N., Yu, A.Y. and Khalifa, M. (2007) “Knowledge Contribution in Virtual Communities: Accounting for Multiple Dimensions of Social Presence through Social Identity,” Proceedings of the 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), New Zealand;

8、Khalifa, M., Yu, A.Y. and Shen, K.N. (2007) “Build up Organizational Innovativeness: An Integrated View,” Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA;

9、Yu, A.Y., Dong, X.Y. and Qi, D.J. (2008) “Developing Knowledge Absorptive Capacity of SMEs in China,” Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, Canada.
Tian, S.W., Yu, A.Y., Vogel, D. and Kwok, C.W.R. (2009). “Social Networking Impact on Learning,” Proceedings of the 8th Wuhan International Conference on e-business, Wuhan, China;

10、Yu, A.Y. and Dong, X.Y. (2009) “What Does Interdependence Miss? Knowledge Sharing Through Social Identification Towards Teams,” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, USA;

11、Yu, A.Y., Tian, S.W., Vogel, D. and Kwok, C.W.R. (2010) “Embedded Learning in Online Social Networking,” Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), St. Louis, USA;

12、Yu, A.Y., Hao, J.X., Dong, X.Y. and Khalifa, M. (2010) “Revisiting the Effect of Social Capital on Knowledge Sharing in Work Teams: A Multilevel Perspective,” Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), St. Louis, USA. (Best Paper Nomination) ;

13、Hao, J.X. Yu, A.Y. and Dong, X.Y. (2011) “Bridging Role of Absorptive Capacity on Knowledge Management,” Proceedings of the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Brisbane, Australia;

14、Zhang, N.N, Yu, A.Y. and Dong, X.Y. (2011) “A Coevolutionary Journey of Strategic Knowledge Management Alignment: A Chinese Case,” Proceedings of the 32th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China;

15、Dong, X.Y., Yu, A.Y., Wang, X. and Zhang, N.N. (2012) “Leveraging e-government for City Transformation: A Case Study of ‘Digital Wuyi’,” the 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain;

16、Yu, A.Y., Dong, X.Y. and Zuo, M.Y. (2012) “Constitutive Roles of External and Internal Information Systems for Effective Interorganizational Knowledge Transfer: A Dyadic Approach,” the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam。


Beta Gamma Sigma,成员。


