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《信息科学技术前沿》(计算机系,博士1年级) (部分)
《理论文献研修》(计算机系,博士1年级) (部分)
《数学与信息系统概论》(本科1年级) (部分)
《信息与社会》(全校选修课,本科1年级) (部分)
基于社会计算的社会化商务模式创新. 电子商务. 2013(6).
有效评价专家的多阶段协同发现研究,全国社会计算学术会议. 2012.
Hyperellipsoidal statistical classifications in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (IDS: 774BG). IEEE Trans Neural Networks,22(6):968-975,2011.
Pruning support vector machines without altering performances (IDS: 361HY). IEEE Trans Neural Networks,19(10):1792-1803,2008.
An effective method of pruning support vector machine classifiers (IDS: 540NO). IEEE Trans Neural Networks,21(1):26-38,2010.
Pricing local search engines for company websites (IDS: 376KZ). Electronic Commerce Research & Applications,7(4):423-431,2009.
Mining associations between web stock news volumes and stock prices (IDS: 096EZ). Int Journal Systems Science,37:919-930,2006.
Associating stock prices with web financial information time series based on support vector regression. Neurocomputing. 2012.
Improving option price forecasts with neural networks and support vector regressions (IDS: 480KP). Neurocomputing,72:3055-3065,2009.
Separating hypersurfaces of SVMs in input spaces (IDS: 423BO). Pattern Recognition Letters,30(5):469-476,2009.
Network environment and financial risk using machine learning and sentiment analysis (IDS: 447ZK). Human & Ecological Risk Assessment,15(2):227-252,2009.
Fast pruning superfluous support vectors in SVMs. Pattern Recognition Letters. 2012.
Complexity of error hypersurfaces in multilayer perceptrons with binary pattern sets. Internatioanl Journal Neural Systems,14(3):189-200,2006.
The coordinate descent method with stochastic optimization for linear support vector machine. Neural Computing & Applications. 2013.
Feature space versus empirical kernel map and row kernel space in SVMs (IDS: 571MD). Neural Computing & Applications,19(3):487-498,2010.
A unified mathematical form for removing neurons based on orthogonal projection and crosswise propagation (IDS: 571MD). Neural Computing & Applications,19(3):445-457,2010.
An architecture-adaptive neural network online control system (IDS: 318WS). NCA,17(4):413-423,2008.
Removal of hidden neurons in multilayer perceptrons by orthogonal projection and weight crosswise propagation (IDS: 114NJ). Neural Computing & Applications,16(1):57-68,2007.
Viral marketing propagation oriented to marketing context. Proc Int Conf Information Systems (ICIS),Orlando. 2012.
Collaborative aggregation of individual rating for group evaluation. Pacific Asia Conf Information Systems (PACIS). 2013.
Stock price forecasting with support vector machines based on web financial information sentiment analysis. ADMA,7713:527-538,Nanjing,2012.
CRM business cloud computing. Proc Int Conf Innovative Computing & Cloud Computing,103-106,Wuhan,2012.
互联网金融文本信息关键词形态挖掘. 全国信息检索学术会议论文集,441-448,牡丹江,2010.
通讯行业客户行为的关联挖掘. 计算机技术与发展,16(4):1-4,2006.
文本倾向性分析用于金融市场波动率的研究. 中文信息学报,23(1):95-99,2009.
互联网金融新闻搜索的文本消重方法研究. 西华大学学报,27(2):1-3,2008.
面向专题的智能化中文搜索引擎. 广西师范大学学报,25(2):103-106,2007.
一种面向共同兴趣的微博社区监控方法. CN20130128135.1. 2013.
A method of detecting and monitoring abnormal internet information. 美国发明专利. US 8,185,537. 2012. (已授权)
基于兴趣分析的微博博主社区分类方法. CN 201210250181.4. 2012.
一种面向微博的全新突发事件发现方法. CN 201210250175.9. 2012.
一种多模式微博信息动态排序方法. CN 201210199559.2. 2012.
一种基于文本内容的垃圾微博过滤方法. CN 201210199582.8. 2012.
一种增量抓取微博信息的方法. CN 201210145247.3. 2012.
一种互联网新颖词监测方法. CN 200810117821.8. 2008.
一种对互联网信息进行异常状态监测的方法. CN 200710098645.3. 2007.
期权价格计算和预测方法与系统. CN 200510011769.4. 2005.
A method of detecting and monitoring abnormal internet information. PCT国际专利PCT/CN/000840. 2009.
互联网金融信息爬虫服务系统. 登记号2006SR09411. 软著登字第057077号.
石英期权价格预测系统. 登记号2006SR09412. 软著登字第057078号.
支持向量机及其金融应用. 知识产权出版社,2012.
互联网金融信息智能挖掘基础. 北京大学出版社
电子商务理论与实践. 北京大学出版社,2007.
网络金融系统设计与实现案例集. 北京大学出版社,2009.
互联网金融信息系统的设计与实现. 北京大学出版社,2006.
数据挖掘算法与应用. 北京大学出版社,2006.
网络金融信息挖掘导论. 北京大学出版社,2008.
网络金融. 北京大学出版社,2005.
金融数据挖掘 - 基于大数据视角的展望. 知识产权出版社,2013.
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